Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 39 and 40: Still sick

Nothing exciting to post for the past couple of days. I have been battling a chest infection. Day 41 is January 1st. The clock is ticking. No matter what I will be exercising tomorrow. This past week has been a complete bust and I hate it. The purpose of this blog was to find a new strategy to help myself follow through on a commitment and lately that hasn't been the case. I don't have time to be sick anymore. Back on the ball starting now.


  1. good work - get the illness kicked and get back at the hard work! It might help if you blogged what you ate, too, Dan. Just a thought.

  2. Great idea. Thanks for your input and support.

  3. Hey Dan- do you have a trainer? Contact me and we can talk about how I might be able to help you. Your journey inspires me.

  4. Hi Kate,
    I don't have a trainer at the moment. With a pending wedding and house being built I don't really have the resources at the moment.
    Thanks for the offer though!
    Thanks for your post :)
