Sunday, December 12, 2010

Days 16 - 21: Rain or Shine. But First, An Apology

Well I disappeared for about a week and the apology that I would like to make is to myself. After a couple of weeks of making myself accountable I thought that maybe I didn't want to do this anymore. The thought that I might not be successful became a bigger worry for me than the pleasure that I would gain by accomplishing my goal. I think this is a common problem for most people. You get a running start at your goal and then in a couple of weeks it’s all in the past and you quit. I decided this morning that I am going to continue my blog and subsequently I am going to keep working out and eating clean. Lesson learned. You may hit a few road blocks along the way, but you have keep moving forward. I have to say, this accountability thing seems to be working. As soon as I decided to keep writing I ended up going for a run.

I woke up this morning to 0 degree weather and rain. The last thing I want to do is strap on a pair of shoes and go for a run in this kind of weather, but I knew that if I didn’t that I would have to write about how I didn’t follow through today. I meet up with a friend, Kyle, who tried to get out of this but I convinced him to drag his butt out there. Alone in the woods we tackled icy terrain and freezing cold rain, but they we no match for our determination. I am continuing my high intensity interval training (HIIT). We raced up hills and continued on until my heart felt like it was going to explode, then we walk and let my heart rate come back down to normal. Despite the conditions, we set a faster pace than last time ...even after taking a week off! Let this be a lesson if you are a quitter. DON'T QUIT! You are making progress!

That's all for today. I'll see you tomorrow ...I promise. 

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